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Why are people preferring opinion polls online?

Opinion polls are highly valued by governments and politicians because they provide a method for evaluating the general public’s perspective on a particular issue. In addition to this, they may be an efficient method for businesses to gauge the likely response of the general public to a future action or product. Opinion polls are not…


With the local elections approaching, it becomes decisive for the political figures of the cities who are preparing to change the junta to know the opinions of the citizens. Knowledge helps to understand mistakes and make the right decisions for future steps to take. In recent years there has been a growth in this need,…

Electoral Polls: Different ways to reach voters

During election campaigns, opinion polls are intended as a measure of the mood of the population. The media comment abundantly on the smallest differences. Observers use it to predict election results. How voters do are reached for 2024 presidential election predictions, and what do they really tell? Here are three main ways the voters are reached…

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